The road to Become an artist

Where most people on the street simply pass by unique details, Moncka records these raw images digitally. He has a wide taste of interests and is inspired by urban cities, architecture, street details, handwritten letters, stamps, graffiti, street art,
rap & hip hop, but also by artists such as Banksy, KAWS, Klibansky and Shephard Fairey.
New music or listening to background noises such as the underground subway in NYC creates an urban underground city mood, awakening his creative senses.
By mixing his different visual elements, his artworks melt together into balanced digital compositions. Some files sometimes consist of 500 different layers. this is time-consuming work, but for MONCKA it is precisely relaxing meditation to create peace and structure for himself in these chaotic times. This results in powerful, colorful expressions with a matte raw finish of the artistic streets.
Enjoy life!